The Friends of the Zoo spent the past few months immersed in all things Dinosaur as we mobilized to bring a Dinosaur Invasion! to the zoo. We’ve added this attraction to your zoo for the summer as a special treat for the public AND a wonderful way to add value to your zoo membership.
This display of 12 life-size animatronic dinosaurs will inhabit zoo grounds from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day at no extra cost to zoo members or with paid zoo admission.
As you walk the familiar Wildlife Trail, prepare to encounter a huge T. Rex looming around a bend, or coming upon a dinosaur nest complete with newly hatched babies. I know I won’t get tired of seeing a long-necked Brachiosaurus towering over the zoo!
In putting this exhibit together, the Friends learned that many other zoos that host similar displays pay for them by charging an added fee. We wanted our visitors to be able to experience our Dinosaur Invasion at no added cost – and for our members to enjoy it free of charge. So we moved quickly to make this happen in hopes of giving you the “Best Day Ever,” dinosaur-style, all summer long.
We hope to see you return to the zoo often as we add prehistoric parties, educational offerings, a visit from paleontologist “Dr. Dino” and other fun family activities with a dinosaur theme.
Stay tuned to this website and our social media for updates on these and other summer events.
My Best,
Janet Agostini President + CEO Friends of the Zoo